Friday, August 10, 2012

Stencil, oh stencil

I loved the idea of stenciling an entire wall when I saw this Pinterest post.  I raced to the website and found the perfect stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils


It's very similar to my "Twist In Time" fabric for the window bench (see Playroom Color Scheme).

I decided to go with the lime green stripe in the fabric and armed with my bright paint, I excitedly went to work on what seemed a simple and easy project.

Note to self:

  1. Don't ever start a project at 10pm after having a glass of wine
  2. Textured walls and stenciling do not go hand in hand
  3. Corners are not easy regardless of what the directions say

I definitely recommend a heavy duty spray adhesive.  I used one meant for stenciling and it wasn't "tacky" enough to really stick well.  So I went with the Elmer's Craft Bond and it worked much better.  Unfortunately with textured walls, the paint would bleed under the dimples in the surface and it took 4 coats of paint.  That's right, FOUR.

You can see on my first row, I removed the stencil too early and the paint is yellow and blotchy.  I had to go back over it with 2 more coats of paint before it looked lime green
Close up of the blotchy paint and bleeding under the stencil

With 4 coats of paint, it basically took me one day for each row of painting as I moved across the wall.  

Didn't help that I also completely misjudged where I placed the top of the stencil and had to do double work at the ceiling.  Let me reiterate, never start a project at 10pm after drinking a glass of wine!

After the entire wall was painted, I went back with my base color and a small brush and touched up the sloppy areas.  I have to admit that this was my favorite part.  My OCD just loved finding little errors to correct.  I took great delight in this and was sad when I'd basically corrected the whole wall.  Sick and twisted, I know.  :) In the end, it looks fantastic and I absolutely love the pop of color it gives the room.

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